It's me again, Allison. I knew you'd be back for more and, as a reward, you get to learn a little bit more about me.
My name is Allison and I grew up on a farm in Southern Minnesota. I'm growing up now (not to mention my blogging skills are developing at an alarming rate) and am a junior at the University of St. Thomas. Going in to this fall semester was more difficult than the previous ones... Here's why. For my spring semester of my sophomore year, my best friend and I decided to give our passports a much needed workout. We spent our spring semester studying abroad in Stirling, Scotland. Very prestigious ;).

While we were abroad, we traveled to 6 different countries, met amazing people, partied too much, and discovered we never had to go to class. If you put that in to an equation, pardon my shorthand, you conclude: 6dc + map + ptm + nc = not prepared for my fall semester at UST.

However, my fall semester is off to a great start. I am living with 4 awesome people in a duplex that is way too nice for college students. Amy, Samantha (study abroad buddy), Adam, and Jenny have made it a thrilling September so far. From the O2 alarm going off, to the weekly cleaning due to weekend activities, we have been kept on our toes and loving every minute of it.
Despite taking a coma-inducing amount of class credits (20), I will keep posting this blog in a valid attempt to keep my readers interest. Please stay tuned and comment if you would like to read my view on any particular issues.